AXES Pro provides integrated talent management solutions. We optimize, automate and integrate the full cycle of talent management processes by combining our HR consulting experience and IT implementation expertise


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Aleksey Ereskovsky

Head of Business Strategy

On behalf of me and my partner Sergey Lvov, it is with great pleasure that I present Axes Pro - our new business venture with a mission of “launching and promoting the newest international talent management solutions on the Russian market”. «God is in the detail» After more than 13 years of experience in implementation of complicated technological HR solutions, I came to the conclusion that Programming code in the form of different IT solutions is the best medium for HR practices all over the world; therefore, we have focused our new business area fully on searching for modern IT solutions and HR processes automation as a way to innovate and develop HR functions of business.

Tatiana Sharshun

Business Development Manager

Tatiana graduated Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia with a in Engineering, specializing in “Production Management and Automation”. «The most exciting part of our work is solving the problems that no one tried to solve before us» She started her career early, becoming an English Teacher at 19 years of age and soon after, an academic director at one of the best language schools. In 2006 she joined the new, young and ambitious team of AXES Management. There she gained experience in assessment centers, trainings and consulting projects. In 2 years she became a leader of the “Career management and succession pool”. Working on her first large-scale project she understood that effective talent management is impossible without automation. From then on Tatiana’s life was inextricably connected with HRIS. In 2011 she became the Business Development Manager of Axes Pro.

Sona Ispiryan

Leader of the HRIS Implementation Group

«We don’t search for the path to complicated solutions – we simplify it and the decision appears by itself.»In 2009, Sona graduated from the “National Research University – Higher School of Economics” with a specialization in “Information Systems Implementation”. After she worked with several ERP systems, she switched to HRIS. By her graduation from the NRU she had already been implementing HR systems independently for about 2 years. Her work appeals to her because of the invaluable communication experience, and the projects – searching for suitable and simple solutions for non-standard tasks.

Tatiana Ivanova

Project Manager of HRIS Implementation

«Just by following technologies and listening to the client attentively you can achieve impressive results.»7 years ago Tatiana selected the specialization “Applied Informatics in Economics” and has never regretted it since. She received a diploma with distinction, came to AXES and realized once more the importance of automation, especially in Talent management. In 2 years working at Axes she has completed more than 6 projects and received rich experience in complex solutions implementation, which has helped the business truly increase its effectiveness.

AXES Pro © 2011-2012